Springing Forward
Happy Spring! (Or Autumn, in the southern hemisphere.)There's change in the air here in London, and while most of it is blossoms and slightly brighter days, some of it is, well, a bit crappy. Brexit is looming, and bringing lots of uncertainty with it. The news from the US gets more shameful and bewildering each day. And on a personal level, I'm still in a weird post-PhD pre-'real world' limbo, trying to find my way.In writing news, we're still chugging along over at Muse in Pocket, Pen in Hand, just at a slightly slower pace. Life is always going to be stressful and busy, and we realized we wanted more time in between stories to work on them and hone our skills. So we'll still be posting things weekly, but the short stories will be spread out to every two weeks.I'm working on my next short story for our new prompt, and last week I FINALLY outlined my Revolutionary novel, THE DEVIL'S BELT. Now I have to make sure I write more when I get home from work. Some nights I just fall into bed, and others I just want to curl up and hide from the world, but I really miss the feeling of writing regularly, so I need to get back at it.
It was one of my New Year's resolutions to write at least 2000 words every week. With my irregular work schedule this is proving harder than I thought, but I'm hoping to get into a rhythm soon. The long-term goal for this year is to hopefully finish BELT by the time Pitch Wars rolls around in August, and if it's ready I might submit it. The other long-term goal this year is to keep polishing HONORS, and maybe start submitting it to agents.It's a lot to juggle and plan for, but big goals and dreams are what keep us going, just like the thought of spring - and summer - coming soon.~M